
The subsets of the real numbers can be represented in a Venn diagram as shown. To which subset of real numbers does βˆ’2Ο€ belong? A) Integers B) Whole Numbers C) Rational Numbers D) Irrational Numbers

Accepted Solution

Answer:DStep-by-step explanation:Whole numbers are the basic counting numbers: [tex]0,\ 1,\ 2,\ 3,\ 4, \....[/tex]Integers are whole numbers and negative numbers: [tex]...,\ -2,\ -1,\ 0,\ 1,\ 2,\ ...[/tex]Rational numbers are all fractions [tex]\frac{m}{n},[/tex] where m is an integer and n is a natural number.Irrational numbers are all real numbers that are not rational.Number [tex]\pi[/tex] is irrational number (it is not counting number, so it is not whole number, not integer number), it cannot be represented as a fraction, so it is not rational number, thus this number is irrational number.The product of integer number -2 by irrational number [tex]\pi[/tex] is irrational number [tex]-2\pi[/tex]Correct option - option D