
Violet contributes 12% of her $55,700 annual salary to her 401(k) plan. What is her pretax income?

Accepted Solution

You have that:

 - Her contribution from her salary to her 401(k) plan, is: 12%.
 - Her annual salary is: $55,700.

 Then, to solve this problem and calculate her pretax income, you must following the steps below:

 1. You must calculate the amount that Violet contributed to her 401(k) plan. So, you have:



 2. Now, you must subtract her annual pay ($55,700) by the amount obtained ($6,684), as below:

 Pretax income= $55,700-$6,684
 Pretax income=$49,016

 What is her pretax income?

 The answer is: Her pretax income is $49,016